“From Christ, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

Ephesians 4:16


We encourage all those involved at TCC to be regular and structured in prayer within their private devotions. Our Connect Groups spend time each meeting praying for one another and the activities of the church.

We also start each term with a week of prayer culminating with a central prayer meeting for everyone. In addition to these prayer times, we have a regular Sunday prayer meeting before the 10am service. We have two prayer ministries to aid you in your private prayer life to pray for our church and its members.


We run a Divorce Care course at TCC that is geared to walking alongside and ministering to anybody that is suffering from the breakdown of a marriage or long term relationship, whether separated or divorced. This is a 13 week video -based series with small group and one-on-one interaction. The course is open to everyone, no matter what your race, religion or gender is, we are here to help you transition through this painful time of your life.

Contact us for more details.


GriefShare is a Christian grief support programme which aims to point people to God for healing after the loss of a loved one. Over 13 weeks the group is taken through a series of DVDs which cover a wide range of topics related to the process of grieving, with an opportunity to share their own experiences and struggles, ask questions, and hear from others. Participants find it very helpful in being with others who understand, and care about, all they are going through.

Contact us for more details.


Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus come? What does it mean for us? A 12 week course that explains what Christianity is, and answers some tough questions about the Bible.

Contact us to find out when the next course starts.


We’re striving to help women know and love God and the Bible, serve each other, and spread the message of Jesus, in doing so building up the whole church, all to the glory of God.

Contact us if you would like to be involved.


TCCMP (Tokai Community Church Men’s Partnership) exists to create a platform for our men to engage with other men encouraging them to live for Christ. We do this in a number of ways. A weekly breakfast on a Friday morning; a Men’s Connect Group on a Thursday evening; A monthly/bi-monthly breakfast on a Saturday morning; and one2one meetings of reading the bible and prayer.

Contact us if you would like to be involved.


The aim of the TCC Seniors Ministry is to offer opportunities for the “older” folk of the TCC family to Minister in fellowship by serving, sharing, caring, praying and providing mutual support and encouragement to each other.  Any ‘mature’ person who is alone, feels unwanted, lonely, or ‘left out’ and in need of a little light relief from the difficulties and trials of daily life, will be very welcome to come and join us. You won’t be disappointed. 

A regular meeting (Tuesday@10) is held on the first Tuesday of each month to which all are invited to share our faith and enjoy fellowship, food, and fun. The meeting’s programme includes a devotional as we Magnify Jesus, declare the truth of God’s Word, and pray for those who are struggling, are not well, or unable to attend. Some practical hints and advice on coping with life as we face our Autumn years are also part of the meeting programmes.

Contact us if you would like to be involved.


The Church believes that in addition to proclaiming the gospel and teaching the Bible, it must minister to the practical needs of members and regular adherents, as well as the poor, the needy and the marginalized within its context. This is done under the banner of Mercy Ministry, a ministry especially necessary in a country with huge inequality, unemployment and poverty.

As we serve in this way, we follow the example both of Jesus and the early church and the teaching of James (James 2:14-16) who taught that true faith sees that your brother or sister in need is clothed and fed.

Contact us if you’d like to be involved in mercy ministry.